The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charnwood Forest Nursery

Charnwood Forest Nursery located in Loughborough aims to provide high quality care and education for all children.

Parent Involvement 

Parents and carers make a crucial difference to children’s outcomes. It is vital that early years practitioners recognise parents’ commitment to their children’s early development and education and give priority to working with parents. Research tells us that regardless of the quality of settings, the most important predictor of children’s future outcomes is the quality of the home learning environment, so involving parents in their children’s learning is the most significant factor in enabling children to do well despite disadvantage. The benefits are greatest when practitioners and families work in respectful partnership to develop ways to support children both at home and in the setting. Working together ensures a good understanding of a child’s needs, leading to appropriate provision within the setting and the possibility of supporting learning in the home.

We make the time to listen to parents’ concerns and value what they say about the way in which there child/children learn and behave at home.  We recognise that drop off and pick up times can be a little busy so if you feel you would like to speak to a member of staff at any point please do telephone where you can arrange a face to face chat. 

At Charnwood Forest Nursery we love to invite our parents into the setting! this occur's twice a term aswell as a forest school parental involvement once a term. We also provide Parent information evenings and Parent evenings where you can talk about your child's progress and development with there key person.

We work with parents to provide extra support for there child in the form of 'going home bags' which have resources available for you to practice and develop your child's learning and progress at home. 


