The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charnwood Forest Nursery

Charnwood Forest Nursery located in Loughborough aims to provide high quality care and education for all children.

Free-Flow Play

Charnwood Forest Nursery is a Free-Flow Nursery which means that several different experiences and activities are set up in the room for children to access at their own pace, directed at the different areas of the EYFS framework. Free flow fosters independence, allows children to progress at their own pace and allows children to make their own decisions.

Our staff are highly skilled and are trained to set up the indoor and outdoor environment to meet the children's needs. Staff are trained to elaborate and extend children's learning and play experiences.

As part of a free flow setting children have access to indoor and outdoor play most of the day, this mean's the doors open for outside and children are free to go between. 

This is highly beneficial for children that learn better in an outdoor environment.
